Nater, Pettapiece attend Federation of Agriculture Forum
For Immediate Release
(Perth-Wellington) – Local commodity and farm groups had their say today at the Perth County Federation of Agriculture (PCFA) Forum. Perth-Wellington MP John Nater and MPP Randy Pettapiece were pleased to participate in the annual event.
“We depend on our local producers not only for safe and high-quality food, but also for the jobs and prosperity they provide,” Pettapiece observed. “It’s always good to hear their concerns and ideas about how to strengthen this vital industry.”
Nater agreed: “Farm families are the backbone of Perth-Wellington’s economy. It is vital that the federal government work with agricultural producers and not solely be influenced by special interest groups. I will take the concerns I heard today back to Ottawa and ensure that we work to strengthen our agricultural industry.”
The discussion covered a wide range of topics, including animal welfare, international trade, energy costs, climate change and cap and trade policies, supply management, access to natural gas, business risk management, regulatory overreach, overzealous government inspectors, competitiveness issues, and sustainable funding for municipal infrastructure.
Although Nater and Pettapiece both serve in opposition, both committed to continue voicing local producers’ concerns to the federal and provincial governments.
“Farmers are doing their part, and we’re doing our part to stand up for them,” Nater said. “Now we need our governments to act, especially on our concerns with respect to cap and trade, over-regulation, and municipal infrastructure.”
“We’ve been highlighting these issues for many years,” Pettapiece observed. “It’s time the government takes meaningful action to address our concerns.”
Nater and Pettapiece also thanked PCFA organizers Robert Martin, Joanne Foster, Julie Danen and Agnes Denham and others for another successful forum.
“Events like this show what an outstanding job they do for their membership and for the entire agriculture industry,” Pettapiece observed.
“We look forward to working with all of our local agriculture leaders and organizations throughout our riding,” Nater added.

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John Nater, MP | 519-273-1400 |
Randy Pettapiece, MPP | 519-272-0660 |