Celebrate Canada Funding Announced

For Immediate Release

OTTAWA – M.P. for Perth-Wellington John Nater, was pleased to announce today that various municipalities and community groups across Perth-Wellington will receive funding for Canada Day celebrations.

M.P. Nater said, “Canada Day is a great opportunity to come together as a community to celebrate the freedoms and privileges we enjoy as Canadians. The Celebrate Canada program gives every community in Canada a chance to hold Canada Day celebrations. As we approach the 150th Anniversary of Confederation next year, the Celebrate Canada program will become even more important for our small towns and communities.”

He continued by saying, “Since its introduction in 2006, Celebrate Canada has helped many communities in Perth-Wellington celebrate the founding of our nation and in the coming weeks I look forward to attending these events.”

The Department of Canadian Heritage provides financial support for activities organized on special days during the Celebrate Canada period from June 21 to July 1. This year Perth-Wellington received a total of $12,610 in funding for five community events.


Matthew Rae
Office of John Nater, M.P.

Approved Celebrate Canada Funding for 2016:

  • $4,000 for the Corporation of the City of Stratford-Stratford City Centre Committee
  • $3,600 for the Crossroads Life Church for celebrations in Harriston
  • $3,500 for Kinsmen Club of Stratford
  • $560 for the Mitchell Rotary Club
  • $500 for the Corporation of the Town of St. Marys